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Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions for Pregnancy | Maternal Health

Welcome to Pregnancy | Maternal Health. By using this website, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. Please read these terms carefully. If you do not agree to these terms, you may not access or use the information provided on the blog.


Pregnancy | Maternal Health is provided "as is" without any warranties. You use the site at your own risk. Pregnancy | Maternal Health or its management shall not be liable for any damages or losses arising from your use of the site, its services, or its content. It disclaims any liability for any contracts or agreements made independently between its users or any other party.


The blog provides the ability to comment on the content posted on it. You, like all users, have the right to participate in commenting, but you may not post any content that may be harmful, illegal, defamatory, offensive, harassing, or obscene. You are solely responsible for the comments you post.

You retain ownership of the intellectual property rights to your comments. However, the blog owner has the right to reuse the comments in any activity related to the blog without the need to obtain prior permission from the comment owner, provided that the name of the comment owner is mentioned and the comment is not edited in a way that distorts its meaning.

To comment on the blog, it is preferable to use your personal name. You can use a pseudonym, but impersonating any person or organization is not allowed.

It is preferable to use your real email address when commenting. The blog undertakes not to use this email for any activity other than personal correspondence. It undertakes not to disclose your email address to any third party without your prior consent.

You must not modify or adapt the blog or use it in any illegal or other way that could damage or disrupt the blog.

The blog collects some data about you, such as your browser type, operating system, IP address, etc. The purpose of collecting this data is to improve the level of service.

The blog may share this data with third parties without linking this data to your personal identity.

Changes to Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions may change from time to time as we see fit for the purpose of the blog. Therefore, please review them and abide by them.


Publishing product or service ads and promotional links does not mean that I endorse them, and I do not offer any quality guarantees regarding them.

I offer reviews of services, websites and institutions on the blog. These reviews may be paid or free, and some of them may use affiliate links that allow me to collect a certain commission if you subscribe or purchase from that link. I write these reviews based on the information I obtain from the marketing managers of these websites and institutions, or from personal experience or from general information. Therefore, I do not offer you any guarantees regarding the quality of the products or services.

I also offer blog posts that contain personal biographies, based on correspondence or interviews between us. Although I will review the certificates and documents that show the level and skills, I do not guarantee their 100% accuracy. Therefore, any misrepresentations are the responsibility of their owners.

We are not responsible for any damages that may result from the failure to properly apply some of the explanations.

Your use and browsing of the blog means your full agreement to all the terms and conditions on this page. If you do not agree to the terms on this page, you are not allowed to browse the sites and view their content and you must stop using it now.

